Choose this day!

  1. THE Bible is the written Word of God, revealing that God is the author of what is written in the Holy Scriptures. His Word is the revelation of truth, and is trustworthy, reliable and a light to our path in all matters in life. The Word of God is so powerful that He spoke, and nothing became something, darkness became light, and the planets and heavens were formed. The Word of God is inspired by the Holy Spirit, free from error in its original manuscript-100 % perfect. In it God plainly reveals Truth to all who will listen. It is our responsibility to study its precepts and live its principles.

2. THE HOLY TRINITY is one God, infinite and unchanging, who exists eternally in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

3. All people are sinners by nature, are found guilty in God’s sight, and are totally unable to save themselves. Only by grace did God make a way for His chosen people. JESUS is the only ONE who did anything about sin.

4. Salivation is of the Lord. God is Sovereign and draws men and woman, boys and girls to saving faith. The “Good News” of the Gospel is that salvation is based upon His grace, not on anything found in people-their benevolence, piety or religious activity. God is the Father the chosen. God the Son died for His chosen ones, and God the Spirit revives the chosen.

Sin brought suffering and death; but God offers the free gift of eternal life through Christ the Lord. Scripture declares that a person must be born again to see the Kingdom of God, so we are commanded to REPENT for our sins and believe in Christ the Lord. 


5. Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God. He came to earth to set the captives free. Through His perfect sinless life, terrible suffering and death on the cross, He atoned for the sins for all His children and is alive today. God the Father raised Jesus Christ from the dead and will also raise His chosen ones up to eternal life, without decay in Heaven through His mighty power. 

6. The way to be accepted by God is only by His amazing grace, through faith in God and faith in a risen Savior.

7. God is faithful throughout all generations and keeps His promises.

8. The Holy Spirit indwells within God’s chosen people and enables them to have faith in Christ and follow Him. Faith is a tremendous gift of God.

9. Having faith in Christ, true believers can never be lost. As children of God, they persevere to the end being kept by the power of God through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. This perseverance is both the responsibility of every believer and the infallible promise of God to all his chosen people. Saving faith is trusting in Jesus Christ alone for eternal life. It means believing in Christ alone and what He has done for you on His Cross, rather than what you have done to enter Heaven.


10. Jesus Christ will return at the last day, bodily and visibly, to judge all mankind and to receive His chosen people to Himself. All parts of our lives at home, with family, friends, work, play, school or church are to be lived to the glory of God under Christ the Lord. We are to wait patiently for the day of His imminent return, of which no man knows the exact day or hour.

If you truly desire to receive the gift of eternal life, available through Jesus Christ alone, you can ask Him for this free gift right now.

Here is a suggested prayer:

Father, may I look to You, at the agony of Your only begotten Son, Jesus, at Your wrath poured out upon Him on the Cross instead of me. Lord, I know I’m a sinner, please forgive me for all my sins, come into my heart and life and change me so my heart yields to You. Save me from the infernal chains of eternal damnation and grant me everlasting life in Heaven. Be my Savior, my Lord and my God.

Thank You Lord Jesus, Amen. 

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